Whistle 0: What will I learn?

Whistle 0 is suitable for people who have never played whistle and will begin with ‘getting to know the instrument’ – what it can and can’t do. In the first session we will also cover breathing techniques and start to look at tonguing.

Week two will explore how to get the full range of notes from the instrument and work on fingering. This week we will also be able to start work on some tunes.

Following weeks will consist of a recap of previous weeks and further work on tunes.

By the end of the ten week course you will have a number of tunes which you can play and a good grounding in the basic techniques of whistle playing.

What you will need – a high ‘D’ whistle (that’s the most common one).

Sal Buckler

Sal Buckler has been playing whistles of one kind or another since she was 4 years old and has travelled the world with one in her bag, playing to and with people from Australia to Zimbabwe. Sal feels this simple but wonderful instrument is sometimes unfairly overlooked in favour of something more ‘difficult’ or sophisticated. The truth is, it’s a fantastically accessible instrument, robust and portable too, and capable of playing very beautiful music. She looks forward to introducing people to the wonderful world of the whistle!

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Registration Form

    3. Information Document

    4. Registration Completed

    1. Introductions

    2. Merrily We Roll Along audio

    3. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - audio

    4. Skye Boat Song - slow audio

    5. Skye Boat Song

    6. Skye Boat Song (notation and tabs)

    7. First two tunes - notation and tabs

    1. Consolidating what we learnt last week

    1. More consolidation

    2. My Bonnie sheet music and tabs

    3. My Bonnie

    1. Building on what we have learned

    2. Leaving Lismore sheet music and tabs

    3. Leaving Lismore audio

    4. Ye Banks and Braes sheet music and tabs

    5. Ye Banks and Braes audio

    1. One Hundred Pipers

    2. One Hundred Pipers sheet music and tabs

    3. One Hundred Pipers audio

About this course

  • £105.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content